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Image by Tim Mossholder

Welcome to

Vessels of Comfort Ministries


Who We Are

Vessels of Comfort Ministries is a prayer based, Christ centered, community-focused charitable organization devoted to ministering one-on-one to the needs of individuals and families experiencing a crisis or life-changing event.

Our Mission

The mission of Vessels of Comfort Ministries focuses on improving the lives of individuals and families experiencing a crisis or life-changing event.  This is done on a one-on-one basis through presence, intercessory prayer, fasting, practical supports, and resource referrals.

I  will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.  (Psalm 139:14)


Black, brown, white, and every hue in between:  We are all God’s children – fearfully and wonderfully made!


Violence against African-American men, particularly in recent months, has discounted that biblical truth, and has distressingly brought to the forefront the reality of racial injustice in America.  With the highly publicized and documented killings of unarmed Black men, our society has had to view the realities of hate, prejudice, discrimination and injustice squarely in the face.  


Christendom has had to do the same.


We’ve all had to acknowledge that the blatant, inhumane, disproportionate, unfair treatment of Black people didn’t end with the Emancipation Proclamation.  We’ve had to admit that any behavior toward a person or group of people based simply on skin color is simply wrong. WRONG – whether it manifests itself as police brutality; employment and housing discriminatory practices; school admission policies; racial profiling and stereotypical thinking.  These are moral issues that as believers, we must deal with and do something about!


Jesus Christ, in Luke 27:10, says we are to love the Lord with all our hearts, souls, strength, and minds, and our neighbors as ourselves.  The Word of God (James 2:1) calls for us not to be partial or show favoritism, and says that it is good for people to dwell together in unity (Psalm 133:1).


VOC, as a Christ-centered, community-based, prayer-focused organization, supports those who have been victims (and their families) of these unconscionable, senseless acts, but also those who suffer from injustices that will probably never see the light of day – in employment, housing, school admissions, services, and in everyday interactions. 


Our Ministry has seen firsthand some of the ramifications of these “wrongs” as we minister to those who are hurting.  And we are committed to first, showing love to all of God’s people; not keeping silent and denouncing hatred and acts of violence against Blacks and other minorities; doing all that we can to promote understanding, harmony and unity; and pointing men and women to the hope that can only be found through Jesus Christ. 



"Your Motivation Monday gets me through the roughest day of my week."  

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